We have listed below some frequently asked questions, but should you have any other queries, please feel free to get in touch via the Contact Us page or by phone on 01908 969969 during office hours.
All jumini toys are fully compliant with EN71 European Safety Regulations and are manufactured in an FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and ISO9001 certified factory in China.
Yes, we hold stock in our UK warehouse in Milton Keynes.
Delivery will be within 3-5 working days, or sooner by arrangement.
Yes, orders can be placed via this website 24hrs a day, every day
Yes, our Jumini Spring 2020 brochure is available to download or if you prefer one can be requested by post.
We have a show room in Milton Keynes where you can view jumini toys, or we can arrange for a representative to come out and see you with samples.
Initial orders will need to be paid for prior to despatch. However, once we have an established trading history with you, we may be able to offer credit terms. If you place an order on-line, you can pay at the time of submitting your order. Alternatively, you can pay by phone or bank transfer.
Click here to Register for a wholesale account or call us on 01908 969969 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
Our minimum order is just £100, and we offer free delivery on orders £150 and above.